Its not all peace signs and candy wrappers..

I had some MAJOR misconceptions about what China would be like. Call me prejudice, but I was halfway expecting a world of anime and neon lights. Instead I've discovered a beautiful people that live in a world of lush countrysides and elaborate cities. The buildings are some of the most impressive manifestations of expert workmanship that I have ever seen in my life. The main architecture seems to defy basic laws of physics, and are full of meaning. And above all of this, people always make room to regard tradition, spirituality, and community. The elderly meet up at the parks in the morning and work out on the park equipment, the kids go to museums together AFTER school, best friends hold hands everywhere they go, and they are extremely generous. Nearly every person we have interacted with has presented us with a gift at some point. We have spent time in three cities so far.

  • Gaungzhou- This city was incredible! Buildings as far as your eyes can see in EVERY direction. We were dazzled by the museum, swam in the olympic sized outdoor swimming pool, met our gracious hosts (Chairman Zhong), and ate more food than I care to think about.
  • Huizhou- This city is surrounded by a vast amount of countryside. It is simply stunning. Just 5 minutes from the resort we stayed at we saw rural farms and villagers that came right out of a story book. The people work so hard and live so humbly. It was beautiful to witness such simplicity. They have their family and food on their table, and that seems enough to make them happy.

  • Hong Kong- WOW. Now I understand why this place has been fought for by so many nations. I don't have time to give this place justice. But between the local seafood, the cityscape, and the yacht ride... I'm sold.


  1. i told you best friends were supposed to hold hands everywhere they went. don't pull away next time.


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