I'm a pretty colorful person...

Literally. Like, my hands have been not only dyed, but Tie-Dyed. An entire myriad of colors. Our activities committee planned an evening of Tie-Dying for the ward. We all brought various white items (including aprons, ball caps, tee-shirts, sweat bands, etc) and we made them technicolor! It was a blast, but left most of us looking like we either were horribly bruised or victims of severe frost bite. I was asked to demonstrate for the entire group and thus was exposed to the most pigment, because I was asked to help several others once I had finished my two projects. It turned out to be a great activity. Kudos to Eric and Jen for planning it.

I also spent the afternoon looking up coupons and discounts for fabric to begin my fabulous quilt project. After scrounging up a 50% off one cut of fabric and an overall 15% off entire purchase discount, I left Joann's $34 richer than I should have. The fabrics and general layout are depicted below. More details will be documented as the project progresses.

Much Love.


  1. my first thought was...she's tie dying her quilt pieces!? I"m excited to see how this turns out. Try to take more than a day...


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