One Year

I can still feel the memory almost as vividly as the moment I was experiencing it. I was dressed in white, walking into one of the most beautiful rooms of the Temple, and as I passed the threshold of the room, I crossed a tangible barrier of love. Tears flooded my eyes and I was overwhelmed at the support and excitement I felt from everyone in that room. Then I looked up at Dave’s face and was in awe that I had finally arrived. Arrived to the place where I could truly love with my whole heart and trust without abandon; all with the support of God, my family, dearest friends, and this Man. The following hours and days passed with a fury of twinkling lights, photographers, music, and happiness. Pure happiness. I finally had what my heart had always wanted, a Husband to call my own, and a love that rivaled all the rest. Settling into our small apartment was just about as exciting as the wedding festivities themselves. We had been planning...